FAQs and expert advice about videography

Here is a selection of Q&As from Your North East Wedding magazine whether it be about flowers, hair and makeup, fashion, wedding themes, health & beauty, cakes, stationery, legal advice. If you would like your question answered by our experts, please email it to

Capture The Moment

Capture The Moment

Q How can we ensure our videographer is the right fit for our big day?
A Gravity Films says: The most important thing is to make sure you have a good relationship with your videographers, as they, along with photographers, will be there throughout your whole wedding day.

Meet them over a drink before making a decision. It's crucial not to hire someone without a prior meeting. We always make it a point to connect with couples beforehand to ensure that we're a good fit.

Videographers have different styles, both visually and in terms of the shooting experience. We focus on creating a fun, relaxed atmosphere to capture your special day and like to get you laughing and having the best time ever. While some videographers may direct more and prefer posed shots, it's not a one-size-fits-all scenario.

Gravity Films, Gravity Films

Caught on camera

Caught on camera

Q Our big day is fast approaching, and we're thinking of booking a videographer, but aren't sure what to look for. Do you have any tips?
A Chris and Laurren Pearson says: Ask any married couple what their day was like, and they won't be able to answer without mentioning how fast it goes! So, if you're thinking of hiring a videographer to give you a forever return ticket to the real emotions of the day, you won't regret it.

Choosing a videographer can be a difficult task, so our biggest piece of advice would be to watch their films, as we all have our own styles. Also, watch highlights of videographers who've filmed at your venue, picking one whose films make you feel something. If you get emotional watching a stranger's video, just imagine the feeling of watching your own!

Chris and Laurren Pearson, Polsar Imagery

Caught on camera

Caught on camera

Q We're thinking of booking a videographer, but we're not sure what to look for. Do you have any tips?
A Allan Sizer says: Don't rely on booking the cheapest companies as we often hear many stories that couples are desperately searching for a videographer close to their wedding as they've been let down by the company they originally booked. These stories usually involve someone offering a 'really good deal'.

Do your homework and check out the company's work online and compare it to others. You shouldn't have shaky footage nowadays with stabilisers in cameras and editing programs that reduce shudder – you don't have to compromise on quality.

Check if the trailers the company has made are original and are not staged in the same format. When watching the videos, does it make you emotional? This is usually a good sign as there's a great chance that the videographer knows how to construct a film that you'll love to have.

Before booking a company, check what's included in the packages and that you're getting value for money

Allan Sizer, Strike a Pose Wedding Movies

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