FAQs and expert advice about photography

Here is a selection of Q&As from Your North East Wedding magazine whether it be about flowers, hair and makeup, fashion, wedding themes, health & beauty, cakes, stationery, legal advice. If you would like your question answered by our experts, please email it to

Seasonal Romance

Seasonal Romance

Q How can we incorporate the spring season into our wedding photographs?
A Fyzal and Dawn says: Spring weddings are a dream for photographers, as there are so many ways to capture the beauty of the season in your images. Consider incorporating soft pastel hues or vibrant floral patterns into your attire or décor. We can enhance those tones in our editing process to really make them pop in your photos.

You could also take advantage of the blooming flowers by having your portraits taken in a picturesque garden or orchard, surrounded by blossoms. Spring weddings are incredibly romantic, so why not schedule your photo session during the golden hour, when the soft, warm light of the sunset bathes everything in a romantic glow? With a bit of creativity and planning, we can create stunning images that showcase the magic of spring on your special day.

Fyzal and Dawn, Fyzal Photography

Camera Ready

Camera Ready

Q I'm looking for a wedding photographer, but I'm worried about booking someone online that I've never met. Do you have any suggestions?
A Brendan Middleton says: It's understandable to have reservations about booking suppliers online without meeting; from my experience, it is fine 99 per cent of the time. However, I do recommend the following before making a decision:

Do they have an established website and social media presence? This will give you an indication and, hopefully, an insight into their work and personality. Check for reviews on social media or wedding websites and directories; are they recent? Lastly, can you view real weddings on their website and social media pages?

A reputable and reliable photographer should have no problem meeting all of these criteria. I pride myself on being active on social media and providing real insight into my work as a full-time photographer.

The biggest piece of advice I can offer is to try to meet or chat on a video call with your chosen photographer before you book. Your photographer should be able to make you feel comfortable during the conversation and be just as enthusiastic about your big day as you are!

Brendan Middleton, Dash Photography

Male Order

Male Order

Q I want my husband-to-be and his groomsmen to have different shots of them together, rather than just standing in a line. Any ideas?
A Vicky West says: We like to mix up ideas for groomsmen shots, as it's important to keep some traditional styles but also have a bit of fun! Poses such as the men lighting cigars and lifting the groom up into the air are great ideas, and if your wedding breakfast or evening reception is in a pub, you could ask if the groom could pull a pint for them for your photographer to capture.

Coloured smoke poppers also make a fab picture, as do personalised socks or the classic cool look with sunglasses. We usually get a good idea of what to do shot-wise when we meet the men in person, see what kind of personalities they have and take things from there.

Vicky West, Sweet Fairy Weddings

Top of the shots

Top of the shots

Q We're clueless when it comes to photography. Is there a list of shots we should ask to take?
A Adrian Jackson says: The most important images to capture are those that will bring back memories of the emotion of your wedding in the years to come; the special moments you may or may not have noticed during the day. Of course, it's also necessary to document those closest to you who've shared your celebration. However, family photographs don't have to be formal; more relaxed images are just as good. Keep group shots to a minimum and to immediate family members – think parents, grandparents, siblings and your bridesmaids and groomsmen. This way the formal photos will not intrude too much into your day and allows more time to enjoy with guests.

Finally, a short period spent alone with your photographer will enable those all-important couple images to be taken, and also provide a brief period for you to spend in relative quiet compared with the rest of the day.

Adrian Jackson, Adrian Jackson Photography

Snap out of it

Snap out of it

Q What are your tips for making sure the photographer we choose is going to take pics we'll love forever? My maid of honour was devastated when she saw her own – and now I'm scared of knowing who to choose…
A Ruth Gibson and Ben Squire says: Choosing a photographer can be a very daunting task! One of our top tips would be to take your time, look at lots of photographers' websites and work out why you like the photos that you are drawn to. Try not to be too heavily influenced by popular trends if they're not really 'you', too. Next, reach out to those you're interested in and ask if they can chat to explain a bit more about how they work. Communication is really important to make sure you're getting someone you gel with and will be comfortable with on the day. You may also be able to request to see a larger sample of their work, such as a full wedding gallery, which should give you more of an idea of what you will be receiving.

Ruth Gibson and Ben Squire, Ruth and Ben

Paws for thought

Paws for thought

Q We want our fur babies involved in our day, so are looking for a photographer that reflects how much we love them. Are there any tips to finding the right person for the job?
A Emma and Michael Shaw says: They say never to work with children or animals, don't they? Well, that couldn't be further from the truth when it comes to wedding photography! Your celebration is one of the most important days of your life, so you want to ensure it includes everyone – and every pet! – that means the most to you! To find a photographer that you know will be on the same page as you when it comes to your fur babies you should always meet with them before you book, asking how they feel about pets at weddings and exploring a pre shoot where you can take your dogs along to be included in the pictures. Finally, be sure to choose a photographer with a relaxed style to catch all of the candid moments – pets don't pose for photos and a relaxed photographer will love this!

Emma and Michael Shaw, Michael G Shaw Photography

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