FAQs and expert advice about wedding & engagement rings

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Ring the changes

Ring the changes

Q My fiancé proposed without a ring, as he knew I'd want to pick my own piece of jewellery. The trouble is, his mam has since offered one of her own – which isn't to my taste! How can I tell her without causing offence?
A Michelle Lloyd says: Depending on the design and quality of the ring, there may be a possibility of remodelling it. You could explain that although it's a beautiful ring, it doesn't fit in with your own style of jewellery, and that the contrast means that they just don't seem to complement each other.

If there's the chance to modify it, try to show your mother-in-law-to-be that by updating the ring it's still creating an heirloom piece which can be passed through the family. She could even look at ideas with you. It could be something as simple as changing the band from a different type of metal or gold. If it can't be changed, don't be disheartened – it's highly unlikely she'll be properly offended, so long as you approach the subject with the right manner.

Michelle Lloyd, Mark Lloyd Jewellery

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