Are memories a match made in heaven when planning a wedding? Here's what couples forget!

couple with hand on their heads in forgetful gesture

You may think you're a person who remains calm under pressure, but when it comes to weddings, all bets are off!
Planning a wedding is basically a full-time job in which you have dozens of people working underneath you. It's easy to miss some vital details here and there.
With that in mind, the wedding experts for Autowise present five of the most common things left off the to-do list when arranging a wedding...

wedding couple under umbrella in rain

A very British problem
We can control almost everything in our lives, and planning a wedding can turn even the most docile flower into a raging Bridezilla once the surge of power kicks in. But as with all things in the UK, no matter how well you plan, or how much control you have over the big day, there's always one thing that completely out of your hands - the weather.

Many couples planning a wedding forget to have a Plan B, instead placing their big day in the hands of fate, which is complete madness considering it's a once in a lifetime event. When you pick your venue. The beauty of it can sometimes hide the fact that if the weather isn't 100% ideal it might turn into a Glastonbury style nightmare. Look into the pervious years weather patterns and discuss with the location organisers what pervious guests have done when the weather wasn't perfect. You may not be about to control the weather, but you should certainly control what happens if it does rain.

On a side note, you also want to find out when the golden hour is on your wedding day (The time the light is setting and is at its most photographical). Most wedding photographers plan for this, but if you have your photographer booked for only a certain amount of time, try to plan some personal shoots at the golden hour also as the light is also beautiful.

red wedding double decker busses

Transportation for all, not just the bride and groom
If you've ever watched Don't Tell the Bride, you will have seen this happen a million times. Timing of a wedding day is tricky, as any slight snag can derail a perfectly planned schedule, and suddenly people are no longer where they're supposed to be. The bridal party is there to support the bride on her big day, though what's often overlooked is the fact that they don't remain with her while she gets ready. Instead, they proceed to the venue at a different time from the bride and groom, and before the guests get there.

Always make sure you have transportation booked for them, and that they're ready a few hours before the bride. The party is there to make sure everything runs without a hiccup, so you want them at the venue before the bride making sure everything is perfect.

A Wedding Photographer isn’t a Photo Wrangler

One thing to remember about photographers is that they’re there to take the photos, not waste their time running around looking the grooms’ cousins for a photo. Before the wedding, assign someone with the task of Photo Wrangler - someone who knows all the big and important players in both your lives, and can ensure they’re where they’re supposed to be for the photos, as it’ll save a huge amount of time for the photographer.

wedding couple inside car

A wedding photographer is the expert. They know their equipment, the lighting, and how to get the best shots. But it's important that you get your best shots. The photographer should be full of great ideas, but don't be scared to suggest photos that you want. It's the couples wedding, and if they've seen a tree with beautiful shading when walking around the venue that the photographer missed then ask for some shots there. All photographers love models who work with them and will be ecstatic for guests who want to produce the best photos possible.

Transportation for the newly married couple
One of the biggest moments of any wedding is when the transportation arrives to collect the bride and take her to the venue. Couples send £1000s renting their dream vehicle, from horse and carriage, exotic animals such as elephants, or classic sports cars. Something that isn't always at the top of a couples' to-do list is the transportation after the wedding. It can seem like a minor thing after the events of the day, but the last thing you want is to leave the building and spend 40 minutes trying to book a taxi, especially on the first day of your new lives together.

wedding couple at table at reception with food and drink

Fuelling yourself
Your wedding day is a busy and hectic one, no matter how well you plan it. Even though it's your big day, one of the things many couples do is forget to look after themselves. It's easy to remember to eat when you have a wedding dinner planned, but the day itself is going to burn through your energy quicker than a regular day.

Remember to eat and drink throughout the day, as its tradition for couples to use the classic 'I'll eat something after I do 'X'. The best way to do this is to order meals ahead of time, and have them ready for you while you're preparing, or entering a venue. And it may seem like the last accessory a bride wants but have a bottle of water around all day if you're planning on marrying during the summer. Filled with water, not prosecco.

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